Eyebrow dandruff is real. Learn more about how it could affect you and what you should do.

The last thing you’d ever want to see on your face is dandruff on the eyebrow. It can sound like a horror movie playing out in your life, especially if you have somewhere to go. You can still hide scalp dandruff under your hair, but there is no escaping eyebrow dandruff.
The first symptom is the appearance of crusty skin, which starts to fall off. You might think that this is dry skin and start applying moisturisers. But if it’s dandruff, it’ll usually be accompanied by greasiness on your eyebrows. In that case, applying moisturisers might just lead to more trouble.
What are the causes of eyebrow dandruff?
What are the causes of eyebrow dandruff?
Dandruff is the same whether it is on your scalp or on your face. The cause of dandruff is a build-up of oil that allows for the growth of a naturally occurring fungus known as Malassezia Globosa.
Your scalp, eyebrows, and entire face is covered in a high density of sebaceous glands. These glands secrete a waxy oil like substance that is called sebum. This sebum is vital in the proper functioning of your skin, as it hydrates and protects against the external environment.
But sometimes when your body system is disrupted, these glands start secreting excessive amounts of oil. This disruption could be due to hormonal fluctuations, extreme weather changes, reaction to products, and even high stress. This is when the fungus comes alive and begins to feed on the sebum.
It breaks down the sebum into fatty acids that can trigger a reaction in some people – almost half of the world. And this whole symphony culminates with your body breaking out into itching, redness and white-yellow flaking of skin. Since your eyebrows have a high number of sebaceous glands to hydrate the hair strands, it is susceptible to a breakout of dandruff.
It can be aggravated by the following:
• Allergic reactions to different products can worsen your condition.
• Threading or waxing of your eyebrows can irritate the area. • Poor diet with high sugar intake.
• Exposure to dirt and germs.
• Increased amounts of stress.
• Dirty spectacles transferring germs and oils to your eyebrows.
Is it dandruff or something else?
It is important to track the symptoms to correctly identify your ailment. If there is excessive inflammation and crusty scaling, this could be seborrheic dermatitis as well. Sometimes the inflammation and irritated skin could be a sign of eczema or psoriasis.
Although you can find dandruff in beard and eyebrows, it is usually limited to the scalp. These other ailments can spread across your body. So, if you start developing other symptoms, you might not be suffering from dandruff.
If you’re confused and start seeing symptoms like hair loss on the eyebrows, it is important that you visit a dermatologist to get a correct diagnosis. In rare cases they might even want to do a skin biopsy to identify the problem.
Eyebrow Dandruff Treatments
When it comes to eyebrow dandruff removal, the good news is that you can use the same things you use for your scalp dandruff. As the reasons behind this problem are the same, so are the solutions. But one must remember that the face is more sensitive than the scalp, so choose the products carefully.
Try home remedies that go after the causes of eyebrow dandruff – oil and fungus. You could use any of the following:
• Aloe Vera gel
• Tea Tree oil
• Fenugreek seeds
• Neem oil or Neem paste
Research the different variations and mixtures that you can create from these ingredients, but always check how your body reacts to them first. These are not scientifically proven and it’s more of an experimentation.
The quickest solution is to use an anti dandruff shampoo on your eyebrows. There are various options available in the market and it’s probably the most effective eyebrow dandruff treatment. Use the Head and Shoulders Neem or Lemon Fresh on your eyebrows. These can clear away the oil build up and attack the dandruff causing germs. You can also try the Head and Shoulders Cool Menthol, which is effective in getting rid of all these dandruff flakes.
In addition, there are a few more things you can do:
• Keep your face clean and wash regularly.
• Cover your face in harsh climates.
• Hydrate and moisturise your face, especially on the eyebrows.
• Get rid of any new products that might have aggravated your dandruff.
• Protect your face and scalp from pollution, grime and germs.
• Reduce your stress levels.
Although eyebrow dandruff can seem like an embarrassing problem, you shouldn’t worry. It is a reaction by your body that is sometimes out of your control. But how you respond is definitely in your control.