What is a hair spa for dandruff and is it effective?
If you have dull, lifeless hair which is accompanied by those white flakes of dandruff, a hair spa might seem like the ideal solution for all your woes - Just reset everything. You might even do this hoping for a permanent solution for dandruff troubles that you are facing. But does it work?
Does hair spa remove dandruff?
What is a hair spa?
A hair spa can mean different things, but in general it refers to an intensive hair treatment that aims to rejuvenate your hair and scalp. These treatments remove dirt, pollutants, and germs from your pores, while hydrating your hair strands. It’s as if you’re taking your head for a day of pampering and relaxing.
The steps in the treatment can vary based on what kind of outcome you want, but it follows some variation of the following phases:
Deep cleaning is required to remove all the dirt and dead skin cells. Cleansers and shampoos are used here. -
Based on your need, a hair mask would be applied. This could be home-made masks or products found in the market. Average time is 20-30 minutes. -
Either with some oils or just as in, massaging is used to increase blood flow and let the nutrients pack into the scalp. -
This opens up your pores and allows better absorption of the products that are being used. -
Your hair is washed or rinsed to clear up any residues. Hot water and blow-drying are avoided.
Does hair spa remove dandruff?
It all depends on what treatment you’re getting done, as there are various types. You have hair spa for hair-fall, hair spa for oily hair, hair spa for dry scalp, hair spa for curly hair , hair spa for coloured hair, and the list goes on. Only if you decide to go for an anti-dandruff hair spa, will you possibly see some relief.
Dandruff is a hair and scalp issue that is caused by a naturally occurring fungus known as Malassezia Globosa. Your scalp secretes sebum or oil to protect the skin and hair strand, but sometimes it can start producing excessive oil. If you don’t take care of this oil, it can start to build-up on your scalp. And that’s when the fungus gets to work.
The Malassezia fungus breaks down this oil into fatty acids that almost 1 in 2 people across the world is sensitive towards. If your body reacts to this, it can break out into severe itching, red skin and white-yellow flakes of dead skin cells.
So, a dandruff spa will be effective only if the products used go after the root causes of dandruff. Just throwing random products won’t work, it must be made for fighting dandruff. The cleansing products used can help to reduce the germs and microbes on your scalp. And if anti-fungal products are used, it can further reduce your chances of dandruff breakouts.
Dry scalp vs. Dandruff
An important distinction needs to be made between dry scalp and dandruff. Both have flaking of dead skin cells, so people often mistake dry scalp for dandruff and call it dry scalp dandruff. But dandruff is a condition usually caused by overactive oil glands and fungus. Dry scalp is the complete opposite, although you’ll have an itchy scalp with both.
Many people go for a hair spa treatment thinking that oiling is the way to get rid of dandruff, sometimes using a deep hydration hair spa treatment. This might solve a dry scalp problem, but it can end up making your dandruff even worse. A hair spa for dandruff and a hair spa for dry scalp are completely different.
Benefits of hair spa
A hair spa can unclog your pores and get rid of all impurities found on the hair and scalp. This can help restore your hair follicles and scalp health. -
Blood circulation-
Massaging the oils and products into the scalp can boost blood circulation, bringing in more nutrients to your hair roots. -
Oil secretion-
Hair spa treatments, especially anti dandruff hair spa, can possibly control the oil levels on the head and regulate the amount of oil secreted. -
Strengthen hair follicles-
If your scalp is dirty, chances are that your hair is weak and prone to falling out. Hair spa treatments can help strengthen the hair roots. -
Shine and texture-
The biggest draw of a hair spa is how it can nourish your hair strands and restore shine. It can deal with dull, damaged hair that have split ends. -
The whole experience of going for a hair spa treatment can help relax your mind, with the massage reducing your stress levels.
Drawbacks of a hair spa
However great a hair spa might sound to you, it has its shortcomings.
Hair spa treatments cannot be done once and forgotten. It lasts for 15-25 days and needs to be done monthly. -
Hair spa treatments, whether done at home or at the spa, can be heavy on the wallet. Cheaper options might exist, but you might end up with harmful products. -
Coloured hair-
Hair spa treatments can lead to your hair colour fading. It is important to check the products beforehand. -
If you use the wrong products, it can end up increasing the oil on your scalp and aggravating your dandruff . -
Home-made ingredients-
There is always a risk with using hair masks and products made at home, as those recipes can cause adverse reactions.
Hair spa might work for your dandruff, or it might not, only you can test and see. But if you’re in a rush and don’t want to waste your money, the best method on how to get rid of dandruff is to use an anti dandruff shampoo. Try the Head and Shoulders Smooth and Silky , which is formulated to give your hair reduced dryness and fizziness. It leaves you with upto 100% dandruff free hair, getting rid of any visible flakes with regular use.