You might have read about the benefits of green tea for your health, but what about for dandruff?

Everybody on social media recommends that you drink a cup of green tea a day. Its health benefits are proclaimed far and wide as a shift back to holistic living, and there just might be some truth to it. This high-caffeine drink has been used for centuries in China and Japan as a traditional medicine, and is picking up in popularity across the world.
Green tea comes from the plant Camellia Sinesis, which is used to make oolong and black tea as well. The difference lies in the process of drying and oxidisation, which gives each tea their respective flavours.
Studies have shown that drinking green tea can increase fat burning or weight loss, reduce risk of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases, increase brain function, curb the risk of strokes, and help with diabetes.
But is green tea good for hair and skin?
But is green tea good for hair and skin?
There are certain properties of green tea that present a strong argument in favour of using it for your scalp troubles. The main ingredient is the catechin Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is a key driver in availing the green tea benefits for hair and skin.
- It is anti-inflammatory in nature and can help soothe irritation, itching or redness.
- It can help reduce hormonal hair loss and support hair growth or strengthening.
- Consuming green tea can increase blood flow through the body, which helps in nutrient delivery and skin hydration.
- It is said to have an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect.
- Rich in antioxidants, along with vitamin B and C, which helps to soften hair and moisturise the skin.
- It can possibly clear away dead skin cells and break the oil build-up on your scalp. It contains astringent properties that help to tighten the pores and regulate oil production.
Can you use green tea for dandruff?
Understanding the cause of dandruff might help you understand if green tea can work as one of the many dandruff home remedies. Your scalp contains two major elements that combine to give you hair dandruff - sebaceous glands that secrete a lubricating oil, and a naturally occurring fungus known as Malassezia Globosa .
If your scalp starts producing extra oil for some reason, such as hormonal fluctuations, the fungus starts to grow. It breaks down the oil into oleic acid, which almost half of the world is sensitive towards. If you are one of those people, you’ll break out into scalp itching, red patches of scaly skin and dead skin cells in the form of whitish flakes.
Using green tea for scalp can help with this condition when you look at the causes. It can break up the oil build-up and regulate your oil production. It can calm the itching and any redness. It can curtail the growth of the dandruff causing fungus. All these properties can possibly help you when using green tea for dandruff.
How should you use it?
Applying green tea on your scalp is usually done through sprays or oils, when combined with another ingredient. It is important to note that all these concoctions are anecdotal and shared by those who have witnessed some positive outcomes. Always look at what might work for you and doesn’t contain any side effects of green tea on hair.
Drink 1 or 2 cups a day -
Consuming green tea can introduce antioxidants to your system and increase your overall skin health. -
Create a green tea rinse -
Boil green tea and let it steep. Once it has cooled down, strain it, and use as a cleanser on your hair and scalp. You should generally apply this after using a shampoo and always rinse thoroughly. -
Green tea and honey -
Boil the green tea and add honey after it has cooled. Clean your hair and then spray this mixture onto your head. Cover for a while and then rinse it out thoroughly, ensuring nothing is left behind. This helps moisturise your scalp and hair, while reducing any irritation. -
Green tea and aloe vera -
After you’ve boiled and cooled down the green tea, add aloe vera to the mix. Use a spray for your scalp and hair, allowing it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse or use a shampoo after. Aloe vera activates enzymes that help cleanse your scalp and moisturise at the same time. -
Green tea and lemon -
Add lemon juice to a cool concoction of green tea and honey, spraying it on your head for about 30 minutes. This can break through any oil build-up on your scalp and regulate the pH levels. Rinse it out thoroughly or use a gentle shampoo. -
Green tea and coconut oil -
Adding coconut oil to green tea can moisturise your scalp and reduce inflammation. The combined effect can help fight skin infections and heal irritated skin. Massage the combination into your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a gentle shampoo after. -
Green tea and apple cider vinegar -
Apple cider vinegar can cleanse your scalp, reduce any scalp itching and curtail the growth of fungus. Boil and cool green tea, before adding the apple cider vinegar. Apply, leave it on for 20 minutes, and wash after. Be careful with the quantities and how you store it.
You can also use green tea with eggs, with essential oils like peppermint oil, or with fenugreek seeds. Various combinations exist, it all depends on how your scalp reacts to them.
Side effects of green tea on hair and scalp
Green tea is generally safe and can be used quite freely. But before using green tea for dandruff, you should be aware of the possible impact that it might have on your skin and hair.
- Allergic reactions can occur with topical application of green tea. Always perform a patch test.
- Be wary of the different ingredients that you are combining and how they might react with your body.
- Green tea might work for certain hair types and might not for others. Always research how it might affect your hair porosity.
- Never over-do it. Most people use green tea sprays once a week. If combined with alcohol-based products, they can dry out your hair strands and scalp.
- There are limited studies when it comes to the efficacy of using green tea for dandruff.
There will always be some new shiny dandruff remedy that you want to use but it is important to know how your body reacts to it. If you’re rushed for time, feeling overwhelmed, or just want your shampoo to do the job for you, try the Head and Shoulders Cool Menthol . And when you want to use ingredients from nature to cleanse your scalp and prevent dandruff from coming back, use the Head and Shoulders Neem . Find the right product that works for you and say goodbye to your dandruff troubles.